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korea tax

Year-end taxsettelemt Guide for Foreign employees in Korea -3 What should be checked after year-end tax settlement? 1.Check the amounts of '차감징수세액(numbers 77) After the year-end tax settlement, you will receive a document called the Salary & Wage Income Withholding Receipt (연말정산 근로소득원천징수영수증). In this document, if you see the red box, (73) 결정세액 represents the finalized tax amount. Additionally, (75) 기납부세액 주(현) 근무지 indicates the taxes deducted from your monthly salary each month. (77) 차감징수세액 represents the taxe.. 더보기
Year-end taxsettelemt Guide for Foreign employees in Korea -2 Way to download hometax PDF file If you are a foreigner working for a Korean company, it's likely the season for 'Year-end tax settlement.' During this time, the company may require you to obtain a 'PDF' file from Hometax. 1)What's the PDF file for? The PDF (간소화자료) file contains almost everything you need to optimize your tax deductions or increase your tax refund amounts. By reviewing it, you can find details on various deduct.. 더보기
Your January Tax Calendar : Must-Know Deadlines 1.Withholding tax filing(1/10) When you pay your employees a salary, it is your responsibility to deduct taxes from their salary before paying them. *For example, if your employee has a contracted salary of 2,000,000 KRW, you must deduct 100,000 KRW for taxes, and pay your employee 1,900,000 KRW. The 100,000 KRW you deducted must be reported on a withhold tax return and paid to the tax office on.. 더보기
DecemeberTax schedule in Korea 1.Withholding tax filing(12/10) When you pay your employees a salary, it is your responsibility to deduct taxes from their salary before paying them. *For example, if your employee has a contracted salary of 2,500,000 KRW, you must deduct 35,600 KRW for taxes, and pay your employee 2,464,400 KRW. The 35,600 KRW you deducted must be reported on a withhold tax return and paid to the tax office on .. 더보기
How to Gift Money to Your Children with Minimal Tax Impact! In Korea, the gift tax rates are extremely high.it's taxes have the tax rate range of 10% to 50%. It starts at 10%, which is relatively low. However, when the tax base (the given amounts) exceeds 3,000,000,000 KRW, a 50% tax rate is applied to the amounts over this threshold. Yes, half of the amounts are taxed. If you give 10,000,000,000 KRW to your children in Korea, 500,000,000 KRW should be p.. 더보기
[VAT] Tax Rate for services acquiring foreign currencies -4(Countries grants the identical tax exemption to resident in the Korea) VAT] Tax Rate for services acquiring foreign currencies (How to Qualify for the 0% VAT Tax Rate -3) The standard VAT (Value Added Tax) rate in Korea is 10%, and it applies to almost all goods and services provided by your company to clients, except for certain non-VAT items. Consequently, when sending invoices to clients, your company adds a 10% VAT to t www.g-tax.kr In our last post, I explaine.. 더보기
[VAT] Tax Rate for services acquiring foreign currencies (How to Qualify for the 0% VAT Tax Rate -3) The standard VAT (Value Added Tax) rate in Korea is 10%, and it applies to almost all goods and services provided by your company to clients, except for certain non-VAT items. Consequently, when sending invoices to clients, your company adds a 10% VAT to the price of its goods and services. However, There are way to get 0% VAT tax rate for service under sepcifinc conditions. Here's what I'm goin.. 더보기
Understanding Acquisition Tax Rates in Korea When you or your company plan to buy land, a vehicle, or construct a factory in Korea, there are various factors to consider. You need to assess whether the prices are reasonable, the land location is suitable, and other relevant considerations. However, one crucial aspect that should not be overlooked is taxes. There are taxes associated with acquiring real estate or vehicles in Korea, known as.. 더보기