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tax filing

Simplify Your Business Expense Management (2) : Way to get Cash receipt If you are only using a company credit card for your business purchase, you can skip this post. However, if you are paying in cash sometimes, transferring money through the bank system, or using a platform (e.g., Naver Pay), you should definitely check this post to reduce your taxes. 1]Only four kinds of receipts are recognized as proper receipts by law. There are four types of legally recognize.. 더보기
[Personal income tax] Understanding Incone Tax in Korea for Foreign national[Tax Firm Specializing in Foreign Companies] If you got a message or letter from NTS like below, you should difinitely check this post!  1.What is comprehensive (personal) income tax in Korea ?Personal income tax, known as 종합소득세 in Korean, is a tax that individuals must file and pay every May for the income they earned the previous year, from January 1st to December 31st. (In May 2024, incomes from January 1st, 2023 to December 31st, 2023 .. 더보기
[Tax benefit]Tax Benefits Available to SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) - Part 4 (Tax Benefit for Corporations Relocating Their Head offices Outside the Seoul Metropolitan Area ) SMEs in Korea may be eligible for special tax credits and tax reductions under the 'Act on Restriction on Special Cases Concerning Taxation.' Today's post is about tax redemption clauses, which can cut your company's tax by 100% for 6 years.(50% for additional 3years) 1.Corporations wishing to obtain the tax redemption must meet the following conditions The corporation must have been operating a.. 더보기
2024 Tax calendar for business owners in Korea We are excited to announce that we've created a tax calendar for 2024! Given our specialization in assisting foreigners and foreign companies in Korea, we've noticed that many non-Korean individuals find the Korean tax law and deadlines confusing. So, we've made it to help foreigners and foreign company who are running business in Korea We believe this calendar will be incredibly helpful for tho.. 더보기
Is it acceptableto borrow money from company with no interest? Unlike individual businesses, corporate businesses are distinct from their owners (shareholders or representatives). This means that if you need funds from a corporate account, you can't simply withdraw them; instead, you must obtain them through methods such as salary, dividends, or loans. This applies not only to large companies with numerous shareholders but also to small corporations where y.. 더보기
What do you know about yout Profit & Loss statement? (Salary Paid to fmaily) Most small and medium-sized companies often opt to outsource their bookkeeping and payroll to tax firms. This is because bookkeeping, which involves creating financial statements, requires expertise in accounting and tax knowledge. It's more efficient for companies to outsource this task to a reliable tax accountant rather than hiring an employee for the job. Consequently, you'll receive financi.. 더보기
What do you know about yout Profit & Loss statement? (Salary and wages) Most small and medium-sized companies often opt to outsource their bookkeeping and payroll to tax firms. This is because bookkeeping, which involves creating financial statements, requires expertise in accounting and tax knowledge. It's more efficient for companies to outsource this task to a reliable tax accountant rather than hiring an employee for the job. Consequently, you'll receive financi.. 더보기
[Tax benefit]Tax Benefits Available to SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) - Part 3 (Tax Credits for Investments) SME in Korea, may be eligible for special tax credits and tax reductions under the 'Act on Restriction on Special Cases Concerning Taxation.' Today's post continues our discussion of tax benefits, building on our previous posts on this topic. [Tax benefit]Tax Benefits Available to SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) - Part 1 (Tax Credits for Enterprise Job Growth) Did you know that there are tax.. 더보기