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Year-end taxsettelemt Guide for Foreign employees in Korea -1 In Febuary, It's the season for 'year-end tax settlement'. Every employees, or more precisely, every salary and wage incomers goes through the same process every year. even if you are foreigner, there's no exception. 1.What about the taxes I'm paying every month by dedcuting from my salary? When employee's receive their salary from the company, they don't receive the full contracted amounts beca.. 더보기
Starting a New Business in Korea : A Simple Guide to Registration When running a business in Korea, If you notice another business which with good profit margin or relevance to your current operations, You may consider starting that business. To do so, you should prepare for the business meeting, potentially rent a new office, and fire additional employees if needed. However, one of the most important steps to take in advance is obtaining the requited document.. 더보기
Understanding Capital Gains Tax on Company Stock Sales -1 (Individual) 1.Capital gain taxes - Individual share holders Capital gains taxes are what you pay when you transfer assets, like a house, building, land, real estate rights, or stocks, to someone else. To figure it out, you subtract the acquisition price from the transfer price. If there's no profit (when the asset's value dropped and the acquisition price is higher than the transfer price), you don't have t.. 더보기
November Tax schedule in Korea Below are main tax schedule for November in South Korea. 1.Withholding tax filing(11/10) When you pay your employees a salary, it is your responsibility to deduct taxes from their salary before paying them. *For example, if your employee has a contracted salary of 2,500,000 KRW, you must deduct 35,600 KRW for taxes, and pay your employee 2,464,400 KRW. The 35,600 KRW you deducted must be reporte.. 더보기
Understanding Acquisition Tax Rates in Korea When you or your company plan to buy land, a vehicle, or construct a factory in Korea, there are various factors to consider. You need to assess whether the prices are reasonable, the land location is suitable, and other relevant considerations. However, one crucial aspect that should not be overlooked is taxes. There are taxes associated with acquiring real estate or vehicles in Korea, known as.. 더보기
Octobet Tax schedule in Korea Below are main tax schedule for October in South Korea. 1.Withholding tax filing(10/10) When you pay your employees a salary, it is your responsibility to deduct taxes from their salary before paying them. *For example, if your employee has a contracted salary of 2,500,000 KRW, you must deduct 35,600 KRW for taxes, and pay your employee 2,464,400 KRW. The 35,600 KRW you deducted must be reported.. 더보기
Are You Aware of the Tax Treaty Between Korea and Your Home Country A tax treaty is an agreement between two countries aimed at preventing double taxation, which occurs when an individual or business is obligated to pay taxes on the same income or property in both countries. These treaties are typically negotiated and established by governments to promote international trade and investment, prevent fiscal evasion, and provide clarity and consistency in tax matte.. 더보기
[Tax benefit]Tax Benefits Available to SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) - Part 3 (Tax Credits for Investments) SME in Korea, may be eligible for special tax credits and tax reductions under the 'Act on Restriction on Special Cases Concerning Taxation.' Today's post continues our discussion of tax benefits, building on our previous posts on this topic. [Tax benefit]Tax Benefits Available to SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) - Part 1 (Tax Credits for Enterprise Job Growth) Did you know that there are tax.. 더보기