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February Tax Deadlines in Korea 1.Withholding tax filing(~2/13) When you pay your employees a salary, it is your responsibility to deduct taxes from their salary before paying them. *For example, if your employee has a contracted salary of 2,000,000 KRW, you must deduct 100,000 KRW for taxes, and pay your employee 1,900,000 KRW. The 100,000 KRW you deducted must be reported on a withhold tax return and paid to the tax office o.. 더보기
September Tax schedule in Korea Below is the main tax schedule for September in South Korea. 1.Withholding tax filing(9/11) When you pay your employees a salary, it is your responsibility to deduct taxes from their salary before paying them. *For example, if your employee has a contracted salary of 2,500,000 KRW, you must deduct 35,600 KRW for taxes, and pay your employee 2,464,400 KRW. The 35,600 KRW you deducted must be repo.. 더보기
[Payroll] Demystifying Payroll: The way of Calculating Employee Income Tax on Payslips If you are an employee working for a company, you will receive payment in the form of a salary from the company. (It's same even if you are a representative of a corporate!) And You can observe a few items that have been deducted from your contracted salary (gross salary), highlighted in red in the sections below. These factors can be quite frustrating as they result in a decrease in your gross .. 더보기
Income Tax Filing Checklist to Help You Cut Your Taxes! As a Certified tax accountant who has filed hundreds of income tax returns over the last six years, I've noticed that taxpayers often overlook certain tax-deductible items. To help you save money on your taxes, here's a list of items you should consider: 1.Health insurance There are two types of health insurance: 1)company health insurance that you pay for while working for a company(this compan.. 더보기